Saturday 6 September 2014

Science Discovery Days

Our focus for term 3 has been science.
We have been learning to explain what has happened and why it might have happened. We have all become very good at sharing our ideas and listening to others ideas about things like floating, light, electricity and other experiments in our class.
We had discovery days again and we were in the same whanau groups as term 2. 
If we went to room 7, you explored light and how to make white light.
If we went to room 6, we explored electricity and making bulbs light.
If we went to room 5 we explored water- floating, different substances and different mixtures.
We were able to explain why some effects happened to our groups, buddies and class members. We enjoyed sharing different responses we had in each class.
We can't wait to try some of these experiments at home with our families!

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